Thanks to the collaborators of the study: Exposure of cetaceans to boats in Funchal

The Madeira whale museum is very grateful for the collaboration and support provided by the licensed Whale-watching operators from Funchal to the June survey of project META. Cetacean sightings were recorded by the vessels crew and spotters from Lente do Atlântico, and MWM observers went onboard whale-watching vessels to perform photo-identification of the encounters. During these 15 days valuable data was collected to measure the exposure of cetaceans to whale-watching boats (and others) to understand the present dynamics of the activity in Madeira.
We greatly thank Ema Freitas, Gavião, Horizonte do Atlântico, Magic Dolphin A.M.Lda., Madeira Dive Point, Nautisantos, Oceano Pioneiro, Rima Boat tours/Oceano Pioneiro, Amazinganchor, Rota dos Cetáceos, Santa Maria, VMT Madeira